Women do not have to fear their Gynecology examination any longer.
We often hear about bad experiences or “I hate having this done” or “That was so painful” or “I cried after my last pap test” or “I look so ugly down there”. We never want you to experience these feelings. It should never happen, and at our clinic we aim not to let it happen. This time is all about you, not us.
What is a real Gynecology examination all about?
A time to review, discuss and explore your genital anatomy and get answers to your many unanswered questions while seeing what is normal and healthy. To feel safe about asking vulnerable questions and getting straight forward, honest answers. Our mission is to make your Gynecology experience gentle, informative and confidence building.

Caring is the basis of what we do.
We try to understand you and give you the tools to direct the examination. This is your body and you are in charge. We have created an atmosphere of calmness and respect. Our staff is caring and helpful. You are in control every step of the way! We appreciate that this often can be an embarrassing or vulnerable time for you, especially if this is your first examination.
Your opportunity:
A Gynecology consultation should be a time to talk about things that worry you about your body, to review your genital anatomy in a way that is informative and positive and for you to see and understand your own body, with confidence and assurance.
This is a time for you to ask those questions that you have always wanted to ask about your vulva and vagina, to know if things are normal, to sort out problems and to reaffirm your womanhood and your sexuality.
We want you to feel just as confident about your genital area as you do about your face, your hair or any other part of your body.
Our space:
By understanding and respecting your fears and anxiety about this examination, we have designed a space with you in mind.
There is a private area for you to change so you never have to fear the door opening while you are getting undressed.
Our examination beds are comfortable and electronic so that we can move them into any position that is comfortable for you and this enables you to see what is going on.
There is always a nurse and doctor in the room during the examinations to assist you and inform you.
What we do:
We aim to always check in with you, to make you part of the process, to show you what we are doing using our state of the art visual system, maintaining your privacy, your dignity and your respect.
We always ask for your permission to proceed or continue.
We want to know how you are coping both physically and mentally, especially if you have had bad experiences in the past, including examinations or sexual assault.
What we don’t do:
We do not do examinations under the cover of a bed sheet.
We do not examine women who are not ready.
We do not use speculums that are too big or cold.
We don’t ignore your feelings during the exam.
We never continue if you are in pain.
Our reality:
We encourage feedback and suggestions to improve ourselves and our process.
We do not always get it right with everyone.
Sometimes we do make mistakes and misunderstand each other.
We don’t always know what has happened in your past that can influence our interaction.
We would very much appreciate you letting us know how we can make your experience more
We welcome you to our clinic and will do our best to make your experience a positive one.