As we age, our bodies change and our hormones decline. Bio-identical hormone therapy replenishes the hormones that your body needs to function. Bio-identical hormones are molecularly the same as the hormones present in the human body. When a woman reaches menopause, the production of estrogen and progesterone decreases considerably. These imbalances can be responsible for many of the symptoms associated with sexual desire, weight gain, fatigue, and many other changes in health.
Hormone replacement therapy is a means of replacing these hormones that are no longer being produced by the body. Hormone imbalances occur in men as well. As a result, testosterone levels fall and estrogen levels tend to rise. Lower testosterone levels may affect bone density, muscle strength, body composition, and sex drive. Imbalanced interactions between testosterone and estrogen in men can contribute to prostrate problems, provoking a wide variety of symptoms as mentioned above.

Some symptoms of hormonal imbalance include:
Hot flashes
Aches and pains
Mood swings
Menstrual irregularities
Excessive weight gain
Sleep disorders
Dry skin and hair
Vaginal dryness and painful intercourse
What is the difference between bio-identical and synthetic hormonal therapies?

Bio-identical hormones have distinct advantages over their synthetic and non-bio-identical counterparts which include:
- Bio-identical hormones are individualized, well tolerated and have few side effects.
- Bio-identical hormones can be incorporated in a number of delivery systems, allowing for controlled absorption and blood-hormone-level regulation at a steady rate.
- Non-bio-identical hormones contain animal hormones and are not controlled by binding to hormone receptors.
- Non-bio-identical hormones have numerous side effects and poor patient compliance as a result of varied side effects.
- Non-bio-identical hormones cannot flow through steroid pathways, as do our endogenous precursor steroids.
- Bio-identical testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone are FDA approved. Estriol is not FDA approved for BHRT.
We offer bio-identical hormone replacement pellets, which are safely and painlessly inserted under the skin once every 3-5 months, quickly providing relief from hormone imbalance symptoms. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is safe, effective, and the results are dramatic and immediate.
If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, call us now to schedule an initial consultation. The initial consultation allows for a personal ‘one-on-one” approach to each patient in which Dr. Ivanov is able to go over the various concerns you may have and will order a variety of tests in order to provide you with as much information as possible about your health concerns. You will also discuss various solutions to these issues, as well as whether you are a candidate for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. At our practice, we aim to empower you with knowledge and answers to your health concerns, allowing you to make a well-informed decision about your health and well-being.