Tubal ligation is a safe and minimally invasive surgical procedure during which Dr. Ivanov severs the fallopian tubes by cutting, placing tubal rings, or cauterization. Tubal ligation serves as an extremely effective way to prevent pregnancy.
Tubal Ligation is a good choice if:
- You are an adult woman
- You are seeking a permanent and effective form of birth control
- Pregnancy may be a health risk for you
- You or your partner have a genetic disorder that you do not want to pass on to your child
How long is the recovery time?
Recovery time after tubal ligation is approximately one week. You should expect soreness around the incisions made during the surgery. Make sure to take it easy and get some rest. By helping you manage any pain and monitoring your healing process, we will do our best to ensure that you have a smooth recovery.

You should consider tubal ligation only if you are 100% sure that you do not want to get pregnant again.